3D_BOXES.ZIP 1,820 08-23-92 QBasic code for 3d-effect text boxes.
ALTQB550.ZIP 358,016 10-18-92 Assembly Language Toolbox for QBasic
APBSU106.ZIP 66,521 05-30-92 APBasic support disk. Mainly source code.
ATEASE1.ZIP 338,885 08-19-92 BASIC, C, Pascal, Assemble, HELP <ASP>
ATEASE2.ZIP 250,995 08-19-92 BASIC, C, Pascal, Assemble, HELP <ASP>
BASFRM13.ZIP 89,552 07-04-92 DavisWARE Basic Formatter v1.3! TheULTIMATE Basic formatting tool of the 90's! Conversion, formatting, expansion, and ocompression capabilities.
BASUPD10.ZIP 33,919 06-19-92 BasUpd Library v1.0 for QuickBASIC 4.0-4.5Routines which mimic PDS 7.x and VisualBasic Shareware by Thomas G. Hanlin III
BASWIZ18.ZIP 297,904 09-02-92 BASIC Wizard's Library for QuickBasic andPDS. BCD math, telecomm, graphics from Hercto SuperVGA and dot matrix to laser printer,equation solver, far strings in EMS, virtualwindowing system, more. Now includes sourcefor BASIC routines. LIBWIZxx.ZIP is neededto create the library. By Tom Hanlin. Update
BB12.ZIP 294,691 09-10-92 BasicBasic for DOS v1.2: Basic-like languagethat contains a subset of MS-Basic as wellas many new/unique cmds; supportsmouse/buttons & menu (Windows vers only);src editor req'd
BC7TB523.ZIP 364,260 09-10-92 Assembly-Language Toolbox for BASIC 7.1 PDS. A collection of routines for the Basicprogrammer. Supports high- resolutiongraphics for CGA, MCGA, EGA and VGA.
BLOAD.ZIP 0,894 04-28-92 Program to show how to load BASIC bloadfiles in Pascal.
CPVB20.ZIP 114,156 09-11-92 CODE.PRINT FOR VISUAL BASIC v2.00 <ASP> -Creates pro-quality VB source codeprintouts. Provides full font and margincontrol, headers, footers, annotation, linespacing, project title, page numbering andmore. Sort routines and index! Printsingle routines. A must have for any VBprogrammer! From Caladonia Systems, Inc. Registration $42.00
CURLIB.ZIP 25,791 09-12-92 A DLL for use with Visual Basic. 28cursors, some animated, to use inapplications. Source included shows APIcursor DLL access.
DECGIF3.ZIP 14,628 08-06-92 Fast QuickBASIC 4.5/PDS GIF loader.
FASTPAR.ZIP 14,512 06-17-92 This PowerBASIC unit allows expressions tobe defined & evaluated at runtime. Itsupports the use of variables, and isespecially optimized to run fast in loopItsupports standard functions like SIN, LOG... along with regular arithmetic operators. w/examples
GEAR11.ZIP 4,135 03-21-92 Quickbasic source for raytraced gears
GFACTORY.ZIP 119,356 10-05-92 Graphics Editor for use with QuickBasic.
GWBSU106.ZIP 29,077 05-22-92 GW-Basic support disk. Source code mainly.
HPTIMER.ZIP 13,905 04-23-92 QuickBASIC 4.5 high precision timer & alarm(written in assembly with full source).
IVB9203.ZIP 13,604 03-01-92 Inside Visual Basic.
LIBWIZ13.ZIP 77,911 04-26-92 Hanlin's Library Wizard v1.3 for creatingBASIC libraries. Can create QLB4 & LIBfiles.
MLV1.ZIP 21,600 10-18-92 MAKELIB V1.0 MakeLib V1.0 is an easy to useproduct that handles the creation andmaintenance of QuickBASIC libraries (.LIB)and user libraries (.QLB). Handles up to108 different object modules (registeredversion handles 540). Requires QuickBASIC(V4.0 or greater)(Color/Monochrome)(512K).
MOUSE10.ZIP 42,628 06-06-92 Nice Mouse routines for QuickBasic.
MSC.ZIP 11,149 08-12-92 MSC Interactive program for QuickBASIC MSCinserts a Select Case right into your pgm;examples included; 08/12/92; Scott Roepenack.
PBCLON19.ZIP 348,216 07-27-92 PBClone: 500-odd routines for QuickBASIC andBASCOM/PDS compilers, covering just abouteverything. LIBWIZxx.ZIP is stronglyrecommended for creating custom library. The successor to AdvBas. By Tom Hanlin.
PBCLON20.ZIP 394,200 10-19-92 PBClone 2.0 library for Microsoft BASICs:QuickBasic, Visual Basic for DOS, BASCOM andPDS. Over 525 routines of all descriptions. LIBWIZxx.ZIP strongly recommended for makingcustom library. By Tom Hanlin. Newest Filein Archive: October, 1992
PBWIZ15.ZIP 222,951 10-05-92 PowerBASIC Wizard's Library for Spectra'sPowerBASIC. Over 200 routines, inc goodstuff By Tom Hanlin.
PCACCESS.ZIP 10,256 05-15-92 For Quickbasic Programmers...from PCmag ASmall, Simple Communications/TerminalProgram, Including Up/Download, Shell toDOS, Etc. Source Code & Doc.
PWEZ51.ZIP 267,862 04-01-92 Windows R-E-Z (for BASIC 7.+) v5.10: mixtureof assembly and BASIC routines which providea complete window management system & singleand multi-field INPUT routines, and includesPULLDOWN, SCROLL (single or multiple), GETANSWER and INPUT windows & several DIRECTORYroutines, etc; 04/01/92; Richard A. Magnanti.
QBARRAYS.ZIP 1,724 06-16-92 MS QBAS 7.1 Array structure programming
QBASIC_1.ZIP 27,543 07-25-92 BAS files - illustrating/teaching QBasicaims to be fun and helpful.
QBCC10.ZIP 33,026 08-22-92 QBCC v1.0: provides statistics on a QBsource code text files including # of sourcelines, continued lines, comment lines, emptylines, labels and total # of lines; KrishnaMyneni
QBTINY11.ZIP 71,428 08-02-92 QBTiny replaces the default QuickBasic andPDS support libraries. This makes your EXEfiles smaller, down to as little as 20% oftheir original size! Supports most of theBASIC language except events and floatingpoint math. Shareware by Tom Hanlin.
RNDINT1.ZIP 203,926 07-04-92 Electronic noise sampling was used to obtainrandom numbers from 0 to 999. Two filescontain each 50000 random integers.
RTX100.ZIP 42,709 09-02-92 Report Gen library for MS Basic PDS 7.0.